A place that’s yours

Ever wondered where writers write? Okay, probably not, but I found an article on the very subject the other day and it turns out that it was quite interesting stuff.

It would seem that writers are as unique and diverse in how and where they write as they are in their writing styles, and how they think up a story, and how they like their eggs for breakfast (if, indeed, they eat eggs at all. I’m a ‘Ryvita and honey’ kind of girl, but I digress).

For me, writing can happen pretty much anywhere. I’m as likely to turn out a chapter in a bustling coffee shop as I am at my kitchen table. But I do have three preferred spots.

Firstly, my knackered old wingback armchair. It’s threadbare and tired, but so very comfortable, and I do like to feel comfortable when I’m penning my novels. It’s near my open fire and that is a definite plus too. I don’t know why it works, but it does. I sit in it and I know it’s time to write.

Secondly, my bed. I have a ridiculously beautiful antique French oak bed – utterly elaborate and over-the-top. It has a plethora of cushions and the softest of duvets, and is incredibly comfortable. Oh, there’s that word again… I’m a night-owl, and my brain switches on at about 8pm, so climbing into bed doesn’t always equal sleep to me. I write well in bed. But if I’m tired I don’t climb in! My laptop has been known to slide to the floor as sleep has claimed me.

Thirdly, my writing desk. Yes, I have one! It’s a traditional old thing that has been given a bit of a facelift and I adore it. I’m not comfortable when sitting at it but sometimes I need a hard chair and a firm surface- it focuses the mind; it tells me in entirely unequivocal terms that I am about to write, no excuses. I have a few knick-knacks around that inspire me and once I’m seated, off I go. I finished the final chapters of my current novel at this desk and I’m editing it there now.


Sometimes it doesn’t matter where you write- it’s simply the act of writing that’s important. But it can help to have a ‘place’; a place that says, ‘I’m now going to pen my book. I’m going to get it done.’ A place where you are undisturbed, a place that people recognise as your working spot. A place that’s yours.

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